

/ / Services / Brand strategy / COOP PETFOOD

Astrategy, 5 brands and 200 different sku’s. These numbers outline the impressive work that we have done for (supermarket chain) Coop Italia as we redesigned one of the most complex and potential shelves on the market: pet food.

The job started from scratch and saw agency and client collaborating on segmenting the offer, identifying the strategy and defining the positioning of different brands and their USP.

The creative phase followed as Break created 5 brands, each with a name and visual identity able to communicate the uniqueness of each.

Amici Speciali:dry, wet, snacks, but also accessories and toiletries. It is the simplest line, for those seeking a correct daily diet at the right price-quality ratio, guaranteed by Coop values. Simple are also the name and the visual identity, which sees the pet in the foreground against a linear background.

Plat du jour: this is the most sought-after and gourmet line. It is aimed at owners who want to stimulate the appetites of discerning dogs and cats. Everything here suggests sophistication, from the French name to the specially designed illustrations (different for each type of product), from the black background to the images of the food in the plate, ready to be served!

Imprinta:nature is the source of the most suitable nourishment. The line is intended for dog and cat owners who seek the greatest respect for the natural condition of their animals.

Imprinta is divided into two lines: Imprinta natural, based on natural and unprocessed ingredients, and Imprinta Superfood, enriched with ingredients such as spirulina, pomegranate or blueberry.


Conceptually, everything speaks of a return to nature: the naming refers to the original imprinting and identity of the animal, which is always portrayed in a natural environment with ad-hoc shots. The look & feel is genuine, thanks to the simple fonts and the white background.

In Imprinta Superfood, the visual of the pet is replaced by that of the superfoods, the undisputed protagonists of the pack and the animal's well-being.

Esigo!:life stage, vet-recommended diet, habits and tastes: Esigo! is the line for specific nutrition, designed to meet the needs of each animal.

It offers three lines:

Esigo! responding to needs related to size, age and lifestyle,

Esigo Specialist responding to functional problems,

Esigo Specialist Single Animal Protein, addressing food sensitivities.

The design is characterised by scientific rigour, with a system that divides the packaging in two: the verbal information on the left is flanked on the right by explanatory pictures (taken ad-hoc) to indicate breed, size, age, etc.. In Esigo Specialist Single Animal Protein, on the other hand, the animal protein becomes the main element of the communication, with illustrations emphasising its origin.

Kriksy:an innovative line with an alternative protein source: insect meal. It is aimed at dog and cat owners more inclined to innovation and experimenting with new solutions. In the form of snacks or premiums, they come in fresh, modern-looking packaging.