

/ / Services / Brand strategy / CREA – THE MEAL MAKER

On collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Torino and esteemed veterinary professionals, Arcaplanet has conceived a new scientific feeding system: a line designed to combine nutritional functionality with the specific characteristics of each individual dog, satisfying their palate.

Five phases to be combined, giving the pet owner the opportunity to create their meal.

Break Design has overseen the creation of the concept with an exclusive Visual Identity.

The project involved Naming research, Logo creation and Packaging Design.

A simple and clear Naming, accompanied by a pay-off that refers to the meal preparation experience.

A Logo that communicates the five phases, highlighting the individual lines.

A premium and high-quality image thanks to the black color across all references and the presence of the dog image as the target reference. The use of numbers and different colors to make the understanding of personalized purchases immediate.

Additionally, presentation materials were created for veterinarians and in-store communication dedicated to buyers.