

/ / Services / Brand identity / OKI PAIN AND FEVER

Kompé, one of the leading biopharmaceutical companies in Italy, has decided to enter a new market category with OKI Pain and Fever, aneffervescent tablet product that is particularly effective against mild pain and flu symptoms.

The stretch involves the dual need of capitalising on brand assets while communicating the new product benefits in a strong and decisive way.

The brand system has therefore been changed to a dark shade, and the bottom strip has been turned to foil, creating the effect of a stronger, more marked personality.

For the first time in an OKI product, the benefits are visibly claimed with three bullet points. The same emphasis has been placed on the visuals of the effervescent tablet - also a first for the brand.

oki febbre dolore

In order to give these elements more prominence it was decided to communicate the effects of the product separately, in an over-the-counter display at the point of sale: here a stamp on the cutout of a man conveys the triple action - antipyretic, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory – while more icons explain the symptoms against which the product works.

Thanks to this choice it was possible to optimize communication with the consumer at each and every touch point.